Is transgenderism truly a perversion of God's will & creation? (Psalm 139:13-14)

Allright, so it's been far too long since I've done one of these. I've already done two of them, on Deuteronomy 22:5 and Genesis 1. Now today I'm taking on Psalm 139:13-14 and why it DOES NOT condemn transgenderism. What are the verses?

13 For it was you who created my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14 I will praise you
because I have been remarkably and wondrously made.
Your works are wondrous,
and I know this very well.

The argument made here by those who do not support transgenderism is that these verses here make it very clear that how we are born is NOT a mistake, God made us that way for a certain reason. In my case, my being born male was done for a reason, and thus I am a male, and am to remain male, because God does not make mistakes, and by me being transgender and when I transition, I would be claiming God made a mistake.

Now, before I show why what they say is ridiculous, I will have to take a step back and address the claims that we claim God made a mistake. Unfortunately, early in the trans movement and up until pretty recently, it was common to hear trans people claim that them being born as the gender they were born as was a mistake. Obviously, all that did was hand transphobic Christians and other religious groups a weapon, because as the Bible is clear on, God doesn't make mistakes, therefore the trans community is rebelling against God, because look at their claim! Now, most trans people don't claim that anymore (thank God), but there is still a small group who claim that. Unfortunately, since that claim was so prevalent, especially when used in arguments with religious people, Christians will still use that argument against trans people to this day, despite it never being used anymore. Let's face it, they're not following the trans community, so they don't know what we say or don't say anymore. Anyway, back to debunking what the non-supporters say.

I would agree, God DOES NOT make mistakes, I don't see how anyone could read scripture and think that He does. I don't think God made me male by mistake, I think He did it on purpose, and He also made me transgender on purpose. So, science has shown that gender is determined by the brain, not your chromosomes or genitals. Trans people have brains closer to the desired sex rather than the sex they were assigned at birth. My brain is more female than it is male. So, if God made my gender identity to be female, which I know He did, especially because as a small child I literally just assumed I was a girl, is that a mistake? I believe God made me to be a woman, I know that for a fact, I've felt Him lead me that way. There was no mistake in making me male, but intending me to be female. I strongly believe that if you read the Bible one of the messages most prevalent is that God loves diversity. He loves diversity in color, type of land, animals, skin color of humans, etc. I believe that it extends to gender as well. We trans people have the special experience of experiencing both genders, we have a special understand of gender, and have had experiences that cisgender people could not. Being born male, I have had experiences and have seen and do see the world in ways a cisgender woman could never have, which makes me unique as a woman. You see, we trans people have to take a different route to be who we were meant to be and to be used as God intends to use us. We will never be the effective tools for God's kingdom, until we do as we're told, and for many of us, that's transition. I strongly believe that I am in fact living in sin right now for not having transitioned already. Who knows how many lives I could have touched already for God if I were living as a woman at this very moment? God made me to be a woman, and once I accept God's will and start living according to His will, He will use me and bless me in ways I could never imagine, and I strongly believe that's for you too. Now, sometimes He might not want you to transition, or transition later, and that's awesome, you need to do what God is telling you, but if God wants you to transition now, you need to do it. I'm struggling with that too, believe me, I'm scared to do it, but I know what God intends for me, and hopefully soon I'll be living as Anna to this world and be on my way to being a Godly woman.

P.S. Remember, discussing these things with those who do not support transgenderism should not be done in a spirit of winning them over. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad to try to win them over, but it shouldn't necessarily be the main goal, it should be to explain yourself in a respectful manner and show yourself to be above the pettiness, to be a light. I know, I don't make sense. So, when your parents are cussing you out for being trans, don't sink to their level. Shame them by continuing to be kind and loving them. Be the best person possible, eventually, it will shame them. Even if they never come around, at least hopefully, there will be that pang of guilt that won't leave them, but chances are, it will eventually win over a few people, hopefully. It will make you look more respectable and confident and make others more confident that you are doing what's best for you.


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