Is transgenderism truly a perversion of God's will & creation? (Gen 1)

Many of my cis-brothers & sisters in Christ are not too fond of the LGBT community (and in some cases that's putting it very lightly), especially trans people. There are many verses cisgendered Christians use to attack transgenderism. One of the biggest ones being Genesis 1:27 (CSB):

So God created man
in his own image;
he created him in the image of God;
he created them male and female.

Seems clear cut doesn't it? You are male or female, made in the image if God. By being born as whatever sex you are born as, you bear God's image and by changing gender (and possibly even your sex) you are removing God's image and removing yourself from God's will. You don't mess with nature and how God made you. Not only that, but God made two genders, and since you're born as one or the other you need to conform. This is the argument being made by cisgender Christians. There are two reasons this is wrong:

  1. This assumes everything is a binary, it's black and white. This is not true. Think of water and land, there are places where water and land mesh together, creating a spectrum. There's a spectrum of color, a spectrum of strength of gravity and length of time, a spectrum of sexuality and good and evil. We even see a spectrum when it comes to biological sex, there are intersex people. So, it makes sense that there is a spectrum for gender as well.
  2. Finally, can we all agree that science and the Bible agree? You don't have to choose between one or the other. Well then, science has shown that trans people are born with the brains of the opposite sex that they were born as. This is what causes gender dysphoria as there is a disagreement between the brain and your sexual organs on which gender you are. So, if the science is correct, and we are born this way, how can we be at fault? Be angry at God for allowing us to be born this way rather than at us for being trans. Then, not only that, why is it that once we start taking hormones to transition to the gender we identify as does our depression and dysphoria go down drastically? Why is ridding of our depression a bad thing? Did God make us for the sole reason to suffer with depression, something that is cureable? Why is helping us be happy, and hopefully joyful a sin? Answer: it's not. It makes no sense.
Anyway, that's all I got for now.


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