Quick Ramblings: Transtrenders, Work

This video right here is EXACTLY why I so strongly believe that being trans REQUIRES having dysphoria. If you don't have dysphoria, you aren't trans, you're cisgender. Time to stop making being transgender "trendy" and transitioning something to do if you're not the perfect stereotype of the gender you were born as. This allowance of the non-dysphoric people into the trans community is killing us. It's making us look stupid as all these cisgender people transition and then quickly detransition because they should never have had transitioned in the first place! It's wrong. Time to put an end to this. It's time to take back the trans community from cisgenders.

Allright, that out of the way, let's move on. My work schedule is awful. I have no days off this week, next week and quite possibly for the foreseeable future. I have worked two 10 hour days this week, and next Monday I work an 11 hour day and Wednesday a 10 hour day. I'm already exhausted from not being able to get sleep thanks to my dysphoria, and this is already making it far worse. I already collapsed at work last night. I can't keep doing this. Sadly, I don't see another way to be able to escape from my parents and start HRT (I have to pay for therapy and HRT out-of-pocket because my insurance is shit). I can't keep doing this though. May the next time I collapse be when I die, and may that be soon. I'm tired of living. Nothing could make me happy at this point I'm so far gone.


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