
The western church is completely broken. They want nothing to do with actual problems. Let's pretend your soul is a clay jar. At church you're allowed to have a few cracks, and if you go to a really progressive church, maybe a piece or two removed, but nothing more. You're expected to be pretty whole, because the church just doesn't have time to help those who are broken. They've got to keep helping the happy, healthy, married people with kids, you know? That's what's really important, supporting only those who aren't broken or have very little broken. So, what if you're like me, single, abused, and transgender? Either one of those is enough to get you overlooked by the church. The church wants nothing to do with you if you're just one of those, much less all three. If I was a clay jar, I'd be broken to nothing but dust. There isn't anything left to put back together. A whole new jar would have to be created. That, churches DEFINITELY don't have time for. I'm just too broken for the western church.

Not only that, but because I'm single, I'm expected to give my whole life to the church in exchange for nothing. I'm expected to take part in everything the church throws my way, with no complaining and no thought of getting anything in return. If I do ever voice that I might need something, I'm told that church isn't about getting something from, it's all about giving something. Ok, then why the hell do all these healthy, beautiful families who might at most have a piece or two taken out only get things given to them? All the resources in the world are laid at their feet and they often don't have to give a thing? Why am I the only one expected to sacrifice myself for the church and get literally nothing back? Oh yeah, because I'm single. Therefore, I don't matter. Therefore I have no life and no actual needs. Married people are the only ones with needs. Don't get me wrong, I love being single, I'm not interested in getting married, but I can't stand this double standard. It's downright wrong, but you aren't allowed to question it lest you be labeled a heretic for trying to destroy the family unit. I'm sick and tired of it. All I want is just a little, just a little help when I'm in my most desperate need for it. That's all I'm asking for. Just a little help at most two or three times a year, is that really that bad? Is it really that hard to do your job and help those who need it? I guess it is. Now I get to be screwed over, in Jesus' name nonetheless. Doesn't that just warm your heart? You get to be screwed over for God's glory! Praise the Lord!


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