Is transgenderism truly a perversion of God's will & creation? (Deut 22:5)

So, it's been a few months, but I'm finally doing another one of these. If you haven't read the first one, check it out by clicking here. Anyway, let's move on to today's verse and why I don't think the Bible condemns being transgender.

Anyway, today's verse is Deuteronomy 22:5:
"A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman's garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD your God. (CSB)
Seems pretty clear cut right? Not really. There are three ways that I attack the cis-normative interpretation that views this as a slam on transgenders like myself (the arguments will go from what I consider the weakest to what I consider to be the strongest). The first way I would say that this doesn't condemn transgenderism is basically one of the reasons the Bible doesn't condemn homosexuality (got that post coming hopefully tomorrow), and that is, to separate the Jews from the religious cults around them. It was a common practice in many of the false religions at the time to do gender bending as a part of their worship to other gods. So, obviously something had to be done to distinguish the Jews from the false god worshippers around them.

In addition, this was a part of the old Mosiac Law, which has no hold on us today. We are not bound by these laws, and it's amazing how hetero and cis-normative people agree with that except for when it comes to LGBT issues.

Finally, the last way to attack this idea that it somehow condemns transgenderism is to use science. What have we learned from science about trans people? Trans people's brains are more similar to the brains of the desired sex than what their assigned sex at birth. So, if their brains are more similar to their desired sex, what is more natural for them to wear (especially if they're transitioning or have transitioned)? The clothing of the sex they are not born as is the answer. I can even vouch for this myself. Male clothing makes me very uncomfortable, especially the more formal it is (ties = wanting to hang myself, not exaggerating). What about when I wear women's shirts or dresses? It just feels natural, there is no discomfort at all in it.


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