Just Started Another Blog On Tumblr

So, I decided to start another blog, this time on Tumblr. Why? Because I don't want to post only dead-serious things all the time, but honestly, that's the vibe that I've made for this blog, and I don't like breaking vibes, especially when there are regular readers, which I have (not many mind you, but still, a few, and that's something that honestly shocks me, why anyone would want to read what's going on in my messed up brain is beyond me, but I sincerely thank you for doing so. You have no idea how much it truly means to me, it makes me feel more visible in a way). So, my Tumblr blog will basically go for the shorter stuff, especially more fun stuff (mostly comedic observations, artwork, pictures, gaming, music, videos and some other things), but also be used to link to new articles here and for when I need to quickly vent. Anyway, here's the link: https://n1cklybear.tumblr.com


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