Lies and Rebuttals to Them

So, these are some lies that the voices in my head have been telling me and my rebuttals to them. I actually wrote these down on paper and took a picture of it, but Blogger for some reason won't let me upload it, so I'll just manually type them in.

My life is worthless 

My life is meaningful
My life has value

I should just die

I NEED to live
I provide uniqueness to this world

I'm nothing more than a f**got

God loves diversity
I'm more than my gender & sexuality, I am a child of God

I'm unloveable/No one could ever love me

Even if that's true God still loves me

I'm unworthy of love

I'm still worthy of the greatest act of love there ever was, Jesus's sacrifice on the cross

I hate myself

Why? I am worth so much
Even though I don't know how, someday I'll learn to love myself

My very existence hurts others

Someday I'll find a response to this

Anyway, that's what I wrote last night, and it really helped.


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