Babies and Our Spiritual Lives

     So, just a few minutes ago I was looking at my baby pictures in the scrapbook mom put together. I was fascinated with the pictures of me when I was only a few days old. I love studying psychology, especially developmental psychology, and even more specific, developmental psychology pertaining to infants. When you're that young, still fresh out of the womb, you don't know anything. You don't know who anyone is, or even what a human really is for that matter, you don't know where you are, who you are, anything. You can't grasp anything as your mind hasn't developed. In addition to that, you are literally helpless. You literally require others to do just about everything for you.
     Now, that said, even you're grown up, you're still that way. No matter how much we think we think we know about the universe, ourselves, relationships, scientific laws, God, etc. we find that we know next to nothing about anything. Literally the more we know, the more we realize that we know nothing. In addition to that, we still cannot, and I repeat, CANNOT do anything on our own power. We literally have to rely on God to do just about everything for us. He controls everything! He's what allows us to breathe! He gives us our jobs, we don't get them ourselves, He graciously gave them to us, He's what gave us voices to speak with, He's the one who provides us with food to eat. None of this would be possible if God didn't provide them to us. So, yeah, we're basically still babies. That's the big revelation I got from looking at my baby scrapbook. I just felt like sharing it because it humbled me.

Also, there's now a Facebook page for "Ramblings of a Transgender Christian!" Still working on a Facebook group, but for now there's a page to go and like!


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