Why the Right Cannot Beat the Left

Ok, I know that this is kind of a big departure from my normal material on this blog, but I want to dive into some political theory. I love politics, outside of history, economics, and psychology it's what I've studied the most of. There's a genuine science to politics, and that science seems to be lost to most today, including most career politicians, which is a shame, as it's rather important, and to be honest, a rather beautiful study.

So, as you can tell from the title, I am discussing today why the right cannot beat the left. To explain why, we have to do something first, destroy our current view of political sides. Currently we view political viewpoints as a dichotomy, but I believe this to be the wrong way to look at it, it's not accurate. Instead, we should look at it as a triangle.

Yes, it's far more complex, but it reflects reality, which is, complicated. So, now, let's break down this triangle. It would take too long and completely derail the discussion here, but if you want me to make an article breaking down the triangle, let me know. Anyway, just study the triangle for awhile, and then once you have a decent grasp (and if you don't let me know so I can make an article breaking it down) continue reading on.

So, the left, what is it at it's core? It's the only political viewpoint that's about "justice." Today, it's seen in what we call "social justice warriors" or SJW's. What they claim to care about is justice for the little man, or in political terms, the "proletariat." They believe the proletariat to be oppressed by the bourgeoisie, or that is, the rich and powerful. Since the proletariat is being oppressed, justice must be served in favor of them, an Earthly justice. We here on Earth must be repaid for our suffering under the hands of the powerful, according to this philosophy.

In the past, the left was quite a bit different, but had the same core philosophy. It still cared about justice, but a different kind. You see, what we currently call "the religious right" USED to be the left. Think about it, the religious right and the left are very, very, similar. So, let's take a look at the religious right, what used to be the left back when they were the left, several hundred years ago. So, when the right was the left and had power in much of the world, especially Europe, how did they keep the masses in check? Religion. As much as Christians despise the quote, Marx wasn't wrong at all when he said "religion is the opium of the masses." The ruling class used religion, mainly Christianity, to keep the poor suffering masses in check, by promising them that if they suffered here on Earth, their reward would only be all that much greater in Heaven. In other words, they pushed for a spiritual justice rather than Earthly one.

Today, the left may not believe in religion, but still are certainly religious and still crave justice. Without an organized religion to believe in, they push for an Earthly justice since they don't believe in an afterlife. That said, like I stated in the first sentence of this paragraph, they are still very religious despite not believing in an organized religion. Seriously, challenge a leftist on abortion, public education, or man-made climate change. They'll act just like a Christian if you were to tell one that science has disproven the notion of there being a god.

So, how did the religious right become part of the right then? Because they were shoved out of the left after science supposedly killed God. After people stopped believing in God, they saw no use for the religious and they were thrown out, and therefore, the religious right, due to their hatred for the new left, joined the right. That said, the religious right is still fundamentally, at it's core, the left. This is why the right cannot beat the left. The right is being dragged down by the religious right, which is at it's core, leftist. The left cannot defeat the left, it can only build up the left. Therefore, the right will never defeat the left until the religious right is thrown out.


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