Church and Help

I'll admit, I'm going through a crisis of faith. It honestly feels like the Bible was written strictly for straight people. Straight people have one of two positions on transgenderism: 1) just being trans is a sin, and you will go to Hell, or 2) being trans isn't a sin but transitioning is. That second one is the "merciful" position. They claim by transitioning, it is so immoral that you will go to Hell. What if you're so suicidal that you have to transition? Their response? Take anti-depressants (because, you know, those things work so well). Let's go with that though. You are still miserable, still can't relate to anyone, still resentful, become more and more anti-social. That's what happens to those who don't transition when they need to. So, that's your "merciful" response, make social outcasts so far out that they can't be reached and ruin their life? Then these people wonder why they can't seem to reach out to LGBT people. Right now, I'm struggling in my faith, but who can I go to?  I'll only recieve condemnation for something I have no say over (dysphoria) and the conversation won't be over my faith, but my being trans. This is why I feel Christianity is for straight people only so much of the time. The sad thing is, no one will care if I leave the faith (which to be honest, I'm getting close to doing), it will just be seen as expected. Lord, how I truly need you right now.


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