Finally Past the Darkness and a Few Other Things

Allright, so all of you know, I'm finally past that really dark spot I was in a week ago. No longer suicidal. So, praise God for that.

Second, I'm changing my name. I'm pre-transition who isn't even out to most people who know me yet, so I'm allowed to do it. My name is Anna, and in a few days my blog and Twitter will change to reflect that. The name "Nicole" was a great placeholder name, but seeing that my male name is Nicholas, it would be too easy to guess my male name and make it easier for my family and friends to see me when I'm transitioning as "Nick pretending to be a girl " rather than as a girl.

Planning another post on this to go more in-depth, but I have Borderline Personality Disorder.

Finally, a quick prayer request, if you would (mainly for the few reading this who know me in real life), please pray that I find a job, it's been more than a month, and I'm running out of money quickly.


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